Saturday, September 24, 2011

One of me and my family's traditions is probably the Easter bunny.
In Cyprus not many kids have heard of the Easter bunny.
The Easter bunny is a human sized bunny that comes on the night of Easter and leaves a basket filled with toys and candy.Sometimes the Easter bunny hides plastic eggs with toys,jokes or Candy's inside,and in the morning everyone searches for the eggs.

We never really get to see the Easter bunny so I guess he is kind of like Santa but just a bunny and not human plus instead of a beard he has fur and...
Well maybe he is not exactly the same.

We usually leave a salad or a carrot for the Easter bunny and in the morning find nibbles on the carrot or find an empty bowl with a bit of lettus and tomatoes .It is entertaining to find toys , books and other stuff besides Christmas and birthdays!I hope our tradition stays for as long as it can! The Easter Bunny's basket of mystery eggs!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

One of my fave places ever! : D

New York the city that never sleeps!  New York is in North America in the United States.  It is very famous for its lights and for some movies that take place in NY.  It is my favorite place, well, because I was born in New York!  It is the big apple. The city that everyone knows.  It is extremely big and powerful.  What makes it so special is that you can't go there and be bored there is always going to be something to do!  If you have never been there then it should be first on your before you die list!
What can you do there? Is that a trick question? The question should be what can't you do there! You shop, you hang out, you learn, you go to different places and way much more!!!