Ok I am not sure if I am right because I was absent but here it goes.
What do you have in your pocket? : I do not have any pockets now, I am still in my pajamas. Normally only my phone. Because I have a fear of having too many things in my pockets and my pants falling down.
What was the last thing you had to drink? : The last thing I drank was chamomile tea. (Good for the throat)
What makes you happy? : Cookies, candy, chocolate , TV, U.S.A , malls , shopping, Christmas and so on and on and on.
What was the last really nice thing you did to some one? : The last nice-ish thing I did was to put an old favorite TV show of mine on for my sister. (Oh and she liked it!)
What scares you? : ROOSTERS ahh!!!. I had a bad experience with them, oh and being accidentally locked in the bathroom, oh and horror movies , scary stories and lots more.
What was the last movie you saw? : The last movie I saw was a few days ago its called My Babysiteris a Vampire. ( I give it a 4 out of 5 stars)
What was the last song you sang? : Ya um the last song I sang was umm... the theme song of a old show called That's so Raven.
What was the last thing you bought? : The last thing I bought was a pizza from the Halloween dance.
What couldn't you live without? : I would never survive without food but if you mean luxury items it would be the Internet.
What do you hope for? : I hope for a better world/life.
What could you live without? : I could definitely live without baked beans. (You hear that mom?!)
Hi Anna!!! :D I really liked your 11 for 2011 because you are still funny even in a blog post, and you had great detail :) I don't have any suggestions for you :)